Protocol Litentry is paving the way for a future where you control your digital identity
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Architecture Identity Aggregation & storage Identity Import & storage Identity Parametization Litentry TEE-based sidechain Native: ZKP Prover AI Agent Cloud computation service External: Runtime/pallet logic EVM/WASM smart contract Interoperable cross-chain (XCM/Bridge) On-chain computation Off-chain computation Identity Data Processor Unit Input Output Actions Smart contract callback On-chain state mutation Off-chain notification Proofs (VC & ZKP) Identity ownership Identity qualification Personhood recognition
Key Features Strenths of the Litentry Protocol User Sovereignty Enhanced Privacy Streamlined Onboarding Improved Trust and Reputation
Identity Oracle Input Identity data is aggregated from various sources and imported into the Litentry ecosystem. Both aggregated and imported identity data are stored in a decentralized manner, ensuring security, privacy, and user control over their personal information. Identity data is parameterized to create structured profiles that can be used across different applications and services. This allows for customized identity management and facilitates secure and efficient verification and authentication processes.
Processor Unit The Litentry Identity Oracle's data flow involves multiple stages from input to processing, with distinct paths for on-chain and off-chain computation. As shown in the flow diagram above, The offchain computation can either be native via Litentry’s TEE-based Sidechain or externally via ZKP prover, AI-agent, or other cloud computation platform.
Processor Logic (how is computation logic defined) The Litentry Identity Oracle processes identity data using a combination of on-chain and off-chain computation logic. The on-chain logic is primarily handled by the pallet/runtime logic and smart contracts (EVM/WASM), while off-chain computation involves the trusted execution environment and external computational resources. The Oracle can leverage both Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly (WASM) based smart contracts and pallets - a modular piece of runtime logic.
Output The Oracle produces various outputs that serve as proofs and actions based on the processed identity data. These outputs ensure the integrity, validity, and utility of identity information within the ecosystem. Proofs generated by the Litentry Identity Oracle provide verifiable evidence of identity-related claims such as Identity ownership, Identity qualification, and recognition. Actions triggered by the Litentry Identity Oracle are responses to certain events or conditions. These actions can automate processes and improve the functionality of dApps. Examples are Post SBT (Soulbound Token) and trigger notification.
How it works The Litentry Oracle service serves as the source of identity-related data to dApps. It is designed with identity-linking functionalities and allows user identity to be processed and stored in a privacy-preserving environment called the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
Protocol Litentry is paving the way for a future where you control your digital identity
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Identity Aggregation & storage Identity Import & storage Identity Parametization Litentry TEE-based sidechain Native: ZKP Prover AI Agent Cloud computation service External: Runtime/pallet logic EVM/WASM smart contract Interoperable cross-chain (XCM/Bridge) On-chain computation Off-chain computation Identity Data Processor Unit Input Output Actions Smart contract callback On-chain state mutation Off-chain notification Proofs (VC & ZKP) Identity ownership Identity qualification Personhood recognition
Key Features Strenths of the Litentry Protocol User Sovereignty Enhanced Privacy Streamlined Onboarding Improved Trust and Reputation
How it works The Litentry Oracle service serves as the source of identity-related data to dApps. It is designed with identity-linking functionalities and allows user identity to be processed and stored in a privacy-preserving environment called the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
Identity Oracle Input: Identity data is aggregated from various sources and imported into the Litentry ecosystem. Both aggregated and imported identity data are stored in a decentralized manner, ensuring security, privacy, and user control over their personal information. Identity data is parameterized to create structured profiles that can be used across different applications and services. This allows for customized identity management and facilitates secure and efficient verification and authentication processes.
Processor Unit The Litentry Identity Oracle's data flow involves multiple stages from input to processing, with distinct paths for on-chain and off-chain computation. As shown in the flow diagram above, The offchain computation can either be native via Litentry’s TEE-based Sidechain or externally via ZKP prover, AI-agent, or other cloud computation platform.
Processor Logic (how is computation logic defined) The Litentry Identity Oracle processes identity data using a combination of on-chain and off-chain computation logic. The on-chain logic is primarily handled by the pallet/runtime logic and smart contracts (EVM/WASM), while off-chain computation involves the trusted execution environment and external computational resources. The Oracle can leverage both Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and WebAssembly (WASM) based smart contracts and pallets - a modular piece of runtime logic.
Output The Oracle produces various outputs that serve as proofs and actions based on the processed identity data. These outputs ensure the integrity, validity, and utility of identity information within the ecosystem. Proofs generated by the Litentry Identity Oracle provide verifiable evidence of identity-related claims such as Identity ownership, Identity qualification, and recognition. Actions triggered by the Litentry Identity Oracle are responses to certain events or conditions. These actions can automate processes and improve the functionality of dApps. Examples are Post SBT (Soulbound Token) and trigger notification.